Creating a Resume Website
In this day and age, it's a huge advantage to be able to list your own website on a resume, or simply direct someone you've met in person to your personal website for more information about you. This opens doors when marketing yourself, and it's so quick, easy, and affordable!
It's not only advantageous, but ESSENTIAL for those in the creative job market to have a website. Your website can display your portfolio, publications, videos, and other examples of your work (and your worth!).
Radiant Resolution offers everything from full websites to showcase yourself and your work to well as simple one-page resumes. Here's what you should be including on your resume website.

A (professional-type) photo of yourself.
Perspective hiring managers will want to learn more about you by visiting your website, and they'll want to know "who" you are. A professional-type head shot (i.e. not a selfie, and not your face cropped out from your last family vacation photo) can show your professionalism and approachability. Even if you are a photographer yourself, make sure to use a different photographer (one you trust) for your head shot. Then, get creative with your photo placement on your website. Size and location is up to you, and it no longer needs to be a passport square photo in the top corner.
Your experience.
Today, this is probably the most important part of your resume. While education is still important, it's the past experience expectations (those "must have 2 years experience minimum) that will need to be met or exceeded. Be sure to list how you made a difference and how that company benefited. It all comes down to money. "Because of my ability to work quickly, we were able to complete rush jobs in record time, increasing company sales by 10%" would be better than "I can work quickly and efficiently, completing many short turn-around projects."
Your education.
While experience should be listed first, education should be prominent as well. You should be including your school names, location, and graduation date as well as your degree (major/minor) and any honors you received. If you are a recent graduate, including notable projects you worked on or your thesis/dissertation is good to list as well.
Your skills.
There are soft skills and hard skills. Hard skills include the programs you are proficient in ir languages you speak, for example. Soft skills (which can be listed as well, but aren't as importnat as hard skills) include things like the ability to multi-task well, working quickly, attention to detail, or ability to work alone or with others.
Your portfolio.
The main reason someone will visit your website will be to view your past work. When you apply for a job, the rest of the information above is probably already listed on your resume. Your website will be showing more of what you can do. Include a variety of projects in your field to show you aren't just a one-trick pony. Be sure to include your process for at least one project, from start to finish, how you conceptualize, create, and complete a project, and how it positively impacted the client. "This logo was created for _________ Company, and since its creation has been using on marketing materials, apparel sales, and social media, leading to a 10% increase in perspective clients."
Contact information.
Your contact should be prominent, easily accessible, and inviting. Do not simply list an e-mail address or phone number. Make yourself accessible in various ways. Radiant Resolution also includes a custom contact form to prevent spam and robots from contacting you. Don't forget to include your social media channels if appropriate, liked Linked In, or Instagram if it shows off your work.
As an added bonus, including positive feedback from past clients, employees, or co-workers is a way to sneak in some referrals beyond the given requirements. You can sprinkle these throughout your website (like we've done on!) or have a dedicated space for them.
Ready to get your resume and portfolio live? Contact us today for a free quote!