Evolution of a Website
It's good to change up the look of a web site that is viewed frequently by repeat users. But, updating the look of the web site while maintaining a sense of familiarity can be a challenge. You don't want users to visit a page they view frequently and think they've landed on the wrong page. You also want to stay true to the company's image and purpose.
Equilibrium Horse Center's web site has undergone several changes over the years. Although it has been updated and refined, it has maintained similar attributes (color scheme, font choices, and text logo). The first update transformed the simple HTML site into an HTML5 site, using drop down navigation to better organize the growing list of links, and using rotating slide shows to relay updates and upcoming events. The second update has kept most information the same, but refined the look and style.
When was the last time your web site had an overhaul? Every few years it's good to change things up! Consider updating the look to keep viewers interested and coming back.
